
See the latest on lake algae blooms
Notice from NYSEG regarding telephone scams
Visit the website below to find out how best to prepare for an emergency SAFETY AWARENESS
As we saw with the major floods and flash floods last year, many people lost their lives in the United States despite warnings being issued. It is imperative that our citizens are prepared due to our long history of flooding.
As an emergency management or safety professional, people rely on you to make sure they are prepared, receive warnings, and know what to do. Your mission is the same as ours: to protect life and property. We could not do our jobs effectively without the strong partnership that we have built through the years. We are asking you to highlight flood safety for your citizens, staff and others. We have a website devoted to flood safety awareness week that you can find here to assist you.The following websites all have excellent information on flood safety that can use at anytime to highlight flood safety and preparedness.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.Thanks,
David J. Nicosia
Warning Coordination Meteorologist
NOAA-National Weather Service Binghamton NY
607-770-9531 x 223 Cell 607-206-4748
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