Tax Information
Property taxes in Aurora include school tax, Cayuga County tax, and Village tax. The equalization rate for Aurora is 100%. Available exemptions include the STAR exemption for owner-occupied primary residences, and exemptions for veterans, the disabled, and seniors.
Cayuga County Tax Rates County School Tax Rates Tax Rates and Budgets
The tax rate for the Village is $2.60 per $1,000.00 of assessment.
2024/25 BudgetsTax Collection Information
Village Taxes are now overdue. To avoid additional penalties, please pay promptly.
Taxes may be mailed to 456 Main St Aurora, NY 13026 or dropped off at the village office, same address. Office hours are Monday-Thursday 10-2 but, if the office is closed, please leave in the yellow mailbox outside the village office.
If you would like a receipt, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your payment.
Tax Assessor
Heather Garner - 315-364-5707
1099 Polar Ridge Road
Aurora, NY 13026
Aurora Tax Maps
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