Application Reviews and Recent Permits

Permits are required in the Village of Aurora in connection with zoning and construction and for fireworks.  These activities can have both positive and negative effects on neighbors, so the posting of permit applications is meant as a public service informing residents of an activity of which they might want to be aware.


#25-03 from Marla Nowakoski for a renovation and electric upgrade at 530 Main Street

#25-02 from the Inns of Aurora for a subdivision at 391 and 396 Main St (Planning Board review on February 12, 2025 at 7:00 p.m.)

25-02 IOA Tent and Subdivision

Approved Permits

#25-04 from the Inns of Aurora for a replacement façade at 283 Main Street, Aurora Cooks

#25-01 from Ron Seigemund for a roof repair at 320 Main Street

#24-36 from the Inns of Aurora for a replacement of a chimney cap at 418 Main Street, Zabriskie House

#24-29 from Virgil Farlow for a deck replacement at 595 Poplar Ridge Road

#24-26 from the Aurora Masonic Center for a heat pump at 325 Main St

#24-20 from the Inns of Aurora for replacement and repair of a front porch at 311 Main St, Morgan House

#24-06 from the Inns of Aurora for a porch repair at 431 Main St

#23-04 from Wells College/Aurora Rt 90, LLC for a demolition at 110 Main St, McGordon House

#21-41 from John & Sara Miller for an addition, an unattached garage, and a fence at 448 Main St

#21-32 from Brian Fitzgerald for a new house at 563 Main St

#20-03 from Jeff Martin for interior repairs/renovations at 46 Sherwood Road

#19-30 from the Aurora Free Library for alterations at 370 Main St

#18-12 from Carl Carpenter to rebuild a garage at 35 Main St