Tax Information

Property taxes in Aurora include school tax, Cayuga County tax, and Village tax.  The equalization rate for Aurora is 100%. Available exemptions include the STAR exemption for owner-occupied primary residences, and exemptions for veterans, the disabled, and seniors.

Cayuga County Tax Rates

Cayuga County School Tax Rates

Village Tax Rates and Budgets

The tax rate for the Village is $2.60 per $1,000.00 of assessment.

2024/25 Budgets

General Fund

Water Fund

Sewer Fund

Tax Collection Information

As of November 1, all unpaid village taxes have been turned over to Cayuga County Real Property.

Tax Assessor

Heather Garner - 315-364-5707

1099 Polar Ridge Road

Aurora, NY 13026

Aurora Tax Maps

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