Welcome to Aurora, NY

Village of Aurora - 456 Main St Aurora, NY 13026

Office: 315-364-7293 ~ DPW: 315-364-5239

Email: villageclerk@auroranewyork.us

We are checking on why some attachment links are not working throughout the website. We appreciate your patience as we try to resolve the issue.

Upcoming Meetings

BOARD MEETINGS - All village board meetings are held at the firehouse meeting room, 456 Main St., unless otherwise noted.  To view upcoming documents, resolutions, minutes, and information pertinent to the meetings, go to the Boards page.

Planning Board meeting on March 12, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. - CANCELED


Please Note: Applications that require CPP, PB or ZBA review must be received in the office at least 10 days prior for code/zoning consideration.

Village Info

Village Zoning Law (Adopted July 24, 2024)

Final Comprehensive Plan here  (Adopted December 15, 2021)

Appendix A

Appendix B & C

Adopted 2024/2025 Budgets 

Certified 2024.2025 Budgets

Water Line Inventory Information: https://health.data.ny.gov/Health/New-York-State-Lead-Service-Line-Inventory-Map/fkii-zkcq

Office Hours

CLERK: Monday-Thursday, 10-2 or by appointment

TREASURER: By appointment

CODE/ZONING OFFICER: Monday & Thursday, 1-4

The village office is closed on Fridays

Annual Water Quality Report (posted May 23, 2024)  here

Aurora, Cayuga, and Union Springs awarded DRI Grant!



Public Informational Flyer

NY Forward/DRI Grant Materials

Downtown Revitalization Initiative and NY Forward

NYF-DRI Public Meeting Presentation

NYF-DRI Public Meeting Presentation_Posters

Ongoing Activities

County Info

Watershed Info


NYS Info



Notice of Public Comment Period for Proposed Revisions to Commissioner

NYSERDA Rebate Information Webinar

Consumer Protection Information:

